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BIM Concept helps the hearing impaired. The company distributes a system ensuring a superior listening.

An white ear on a blue background abutting the letter T. Logos have appeared in towns for a few months already. It appears at the entrance to all rooms equipped with a magnetic induction loop. Where the people with a hearing aid know they have no desire to listen. Hubert Beaufils is an expert on the subject. He leads BIM Concept France. The company, established since November in the Upper Rouaudière distributes the Ampetronic brand of magnetic induction loops. “The British brand is a pioneer and world leader in the field,” says the former computer party in a new adventure in uncovering the difficulties encountered by deaf families. “Their disability is invisible, little is done to help … ”

Even churches
The legislation corrects gradually shooting. “On 1 January 2015, public buildings should be accessible to all disabled people, in terms of access as communication. “BIM concept is riding the wave fitted throughout France, governments, schools, museums, halls, theater or cinema, tourist offices, churches … “The focal points are broad, simple room, an amphitheater through a window where confidentiality is respected,” says Hubert Beaufils, while recalling that in France “about 8% of the population is with severe hearing. This percentage is growing.” At Mouzillon, BIM Concept employs five people in charge of the engineering department and sales department.

The system relies on a cable connected to an audio source and an amp, which circles the perimeter of required cover. The hearing impaired located in the loop then just connect their hearing aid in T position, “as they do for the phone, to receive intelligible sound emitted by the source. “This avoids the phenomena of reverb or distortion, without loops, the ability to listen is impeded. ”

Increasingly common in public spaces, the system also adapts to private homes. But here, the famous logo with a blue background is not mandatory.
