On Saturday 23rd of June Ampetronic’s Managing Director Julian Pieters will take part in the challenge of his life; a nonstop 100 mile ultra-run across and over the mountains of America’s Sierra Nevada.

The event is called the Western States 100, and although competing represents the fulfilment of a personal dream (and a lot of preparation, training and sacrifice) for Julian, he is also running to support his chosen charity; Deafness Research UK http://www.deafnessresearch.org.uk/

Deafness Research UK is a worthy and pioneering charity committed to securing radical improvements in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all forms of hearing impairment. If you would like to support Julian’s incredible efforts, and help provide him with the incentive to keep going during the 30 hour foot face, you can donate at https://www.justgiving.com/JulianPieters

You can read about the event, the reasons why Julian is taking part in his own words, and to follow the progress of ‘Runner 316’ on his blog http://abottleinfrontofme.blogspot.co.uk/

We at Ampetronic wish him the very best of luck!