The Ampetronic team recently attended the British Academy of Audiology’s (BAA) Annual conference and exhibition at the Harrogate International Centre. We sponsored the temporary Hearing Loop systems within the main 6 rooms being used during the conference, providing the highest quality Hearing Loop audio for people with hearing loss attending the conference.

James Flello, Inbound Marketing Coordinator from Ampetronic commented: “Obviously we wanted to showcase how our loop systems enhance a conference experience for people with hearing loss, but we also brought some Hearing Loop receivers with us, so that attendees without any hearing loss could experience the systems too. It’s not a given that decision makers in the assistive listening process will themselves have hearing loss, so we wanted to ensure that we opened up the experience to everyone.”

The event was very well attended and many industry professionals, including influential members within the audiological community and hearing aid industry, were present during the two day event. James added: “We spoke to decision makers at Oticon and Phonak and were both impressed and encouraged by their enthusiasm towards providing their customers with access to technology such as Hearing Loops passionate and inspiring.”


Ampetronic’s UK Technical Sales Engineer James Bottrill hosted a presentation at the event with Hearing Link’s CEO Dr Lorraine Gailey. James and Lorraine spoke about the relevance of Hearing Loop technology to the Audiological community, and during the presentation, James fed the audio from a Hearing Loop back through the PA system and into the presentation area so that everyone, even those not using the temporary loop, could appreciate the audio quality that the loops were providing.

The team engaged in some extremely interesting conversations with the audiological community, finding more about the types of materials they need to educate their colleagues and hearing aid users about advantages of Hearing Loop technology. James concluded: “We feel confident that our input helped to change many perceptions about Hearing Loop technology being outdated. When talking about the temporary hearing loop within the Auditorium, Ian Pasquil, the Locum Audiologist Department manager commented that the loop actually provided a very ‘natural sound’, adding that the Hearing Loop was ‘brilliant!’”