Ampetronic were the first to use CAD system design and performance simulation software with the introduction of ‘Loops’, our in-house software as long ago as 1988. ‘Loops’ has continued to be developed over the decades. It has, along with the knowledge of our team of highly trained support and design engineers, been one of the main factors that has allowed us to design complex installations that others cannot begin to touch.

We are also the first to make a design and specification tool available to our valued partners around the world to empower them to complete simple hearing loop installations quickly, without the need to contact us. Up to now this ‘tool’ has always been in the form of software that was installed on the client’s computer. We responded to feedback and requests for an online system.

It’s been in development for a long time to ensure that it’s the best on the market and properly represents the Ampetronic brand. We’re excited to announce that we will be exhibiting a new online specification and design tool at the ISE 2017 show.

It’s an intuitive system that allows the user to input the outline details of the potential loop project and get an instant output of suitable components and confirmation of performance. A detailed report can be generated to provide to customers and installation teams.

Furthermore, as part of the Loopworks suite of online tools, the project data will be stored on our cloud server for future access or editing.  Projects can be shared with the Ampetronic support team in real time via telephone or Live-chat.

If you’re attending the ISE 2017 show, be sure to visit us in Hall 7 for a demonstration of how the new service can save you time & money and add value to your business.