Once again, Ampetronic are proudly sponsoring Hearing Link’s third International Hearing Loops Conference – “Hearing Loops for All”. Previously held in Zurich and Washington, it is this year being held in Eastbourne, right here in the UK! Sunday the 6th & Monday the 7th of October.


What is the conference?

Ran by the charity Hearing Link, “Hearing Loops for All” has the predominant goal to find and recognise how the industry can further make hearing loop technology more widely distributed, showcase technological advancements and educate people on the latest benefits, international laws and anti-discriminative standards within the industry.

Who is the conference for?

Shortly put anybody who has an interest, whether commercial or personal, in hearing loop technology will find the conference more than beneficial. If you are any of the following then you would definitely benefit from attending:

  • People with hearing loss
  • Technology advocates
  • Architects
  • System specifiers
  • Designers
  • Facility owners
  • Electrical installers
  • Pro AV technicians and engineers

Advocates, suppliers, service providers and industry relevant professionals will all be attending, this gives attendees the opportunity for a truly unique and comprehensive insight into the hearing loop industry.

We hope we get the chance to see you there!