Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited is an audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and tax servicing firm that provide Audit, Tax, Consulting and Corporate Financing services to their clients. Deloitte wanted to provide equal and indiscriminative access to information for hard of hearing people, delivered in a clear and consistent manner.
Ampetronic have completed multiple system designs for Deloitte and have equipment installed throughout premises in the following locations:
- Milton Keynes – Meeting room – Installed by AVM Impact LTD
- Reading (Abbots House) – Installed by AVM Impact LTD
- Edinburgh – Installed by Feltech Electronics LTD
The Edinburgh project provided an interesting problem in the form of a set of three meeting rooms that are separated by temporary walls but can be combined to create one larger room. Ampetronic provided additional advice to the installers Feltech Electronics LTD and helped them to ensure the induction loops were reliable and therefore providing an optimal audio experience for the hard of hearing users. Due to flawless design and installation this Edinburgh based project needed only one MLD5 unit to provide coverage to all three of the meeting rooms.
Equipment used:
Image Credit
Stock.Xchng – Image for illustrative purpose only