At approximately 900ft long the U.S.S. Intrepid is a decommissioned Aircraft carrier that is docked on the Hudson River in New York City, the vessel itself has been converted into a proud home for the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum and has become an exciting tourist attraction. To ensure that every visitor has an equal experience, and to conform to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), it was deemed essential that areas of the museum be installed with hearing loops.
The U.S.S. Intrepid uses a vast amount of steel and other metals as part of its purpose-built design and construction. It is was therefore a challenge to ensure that any hearing loop equipment functioned to standard due to the distorting effects of metal upon hearing loops. The installer Metro Sound Pro’s turned to us for expert knowledge within sometimes difficult metal constructed environments.
Installed by Metro Sound Pro’s Ampetronic hearing loop equipment is used throughout several locations in the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space museum including numerous exhibition displays which provide the viewer with archival footage, and a theatre which is used for functional activities.
Equipment Used:
- Three ILD1000G phased Array kits in theatre areas.
- Eleven CLD1 kits in various information points throughout the Museum.
- Four ILD500in small perimeter looped gallery areas.
Image credit – Pump, Alvaro Campo www.logotomia.net