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Another induction loop system from AMPETRONIC, pioneer and global leader in magnetic induction loops for hearing impaired.

Determination of magnetic induction loop
In this old stone building there was no fear of loss or interference due to presence of metal. The dimensions of the place allowed to consider positioning of the loop induction at ground level. The simulations carried out have confirmed that this provision allowed for results fully conform to the standard NF-EN 60118-4 governing BIM systems.

Commissioning, measurement and regulation

After an initial adjustment of the level of magnetic field, the audio frequency response was checked and balanced. It was then tested to check the homogeneity of the magnetic field and precise adjustment of thereof, in accordance with the requirements of the standard NF-EN 60118-4. Audio quality was also monitored.

The system works perfectly and is entirely consistent with the standard.

The customer was provided with a hearing loop tester AMPETRONIC type ILR3 him to control the
proper functioning of the loop.

It should be noted that these testers hearing loops are also very useful for the hearing impaired with no prosthesis

Builder: Church of 30 BERNIS
Client: Parish, 30540 Street of the cooler MILHAUD
Installer: EaC 84190 Beaumes de Venise

The church of Berne is a small church built around the 15th century. His sound has been redone recently and the client wished to add a magnetic induction loop for people.

Installation of the loop
The installation of a ground loop is often problematic in older buildings because of classification or the  arrangement of the pavement. Here, the layout of the tiles led to the completion a peripheral groove in which the thread of loop could be installed. Spill was then stopped with a pie joint.

Connecting the loop on the PA
The ends of the loop were brought to the location of the sound system. Section constituting the connection between the loop itself itself and the amplifier has been twisted in order to limit radiation parasites.

The mixer amplifier of the church has an output 0dB which the loop amplifier AMPETRONIC LTD type ILD300 was connected.

Exclusive distributor for France:

BIM Concept France
The High Rouaudière – 44330 MOUZILLON
temp +33 (0) 2 40 43 27 08
Fax +33 (0) 9 72 14 34 11
