D-series firmware update: D_Series_V_1.201 
Release date: March 2022

Please find available for download our latest firmware update for our D-Series amplifiers. Simply use the link below to download Zip file, and follow install process.


Priority: Recommended Update – includes security improvements

Release Dependencies:

  • Applicable to all D-Series models.
  • Requires both firmware files and website files to be installed at the same time.
  • Capable of updating directly from any previous version.

New Features, Improvements and Fixes:

  • Adds the ability to change the default password, for authentication with the web interface
  • Improved handling of special characters in the driver name
  • Supports drivers without AES3 fitted as a hardware option
  • Minor bug fixes to restoring driver configuration files, menu screen timeout and Telnet functionality

In addition to all features and updates applied in V 1.100, including:

  • Complete redesign of web interface to match C-Series drivers
  • Improvements to Telnet control
  • Ability to disable channel B output on dual channel drivers
  • Configurable sleep mode when no signal is present
  • Improved support for Loopworks Measure “LoopLink” automated testing

Instructions for use:

  1. Download D_Series_v1.201  and extract the zip file to your computer
  2. Copy the D_Series.hex file to the root of a blank FAT32 formatted USB stick
  3. With the amplifier turned off, insert the USB stick into the socket on the amplifier and turn the amplifier on
  4. The amplifier will read 'REPROGRAMMING V 1.201' then 'STICK IMAGE CHECK OK'
  5. Once the amplifier screen shows 'PLS REMOVE STICK AND CYCLE POWER' unplug the USB stick and turn the amplifier off then back on again
  6. You must also update the website, navigate to the amplifier's IP address /mpfsupload, eg.
  7. Note you will need to authenticate to access this webpage, login using username: admin and password: ampetronic
  8. Click 'Choose file' and select the DSeriesWeb.bin, then click 'Upload'
  9. The website will read 'MPFS Update Successful', click the 'Site main page' link and you will be returned to the amplifiers web interface

You should also be able to find install instructions outlined in your user handbook. A full changelog and installation instructions are also included in text format within the zip file. Any queries, contact us on support@ampetronic.com