The content below is provided to ensure fast, free and easy access to the information frequently required by hearing loop system designers, consultants and architects. However if you cannot find the information you need please contact us directly via webchat, the contact form at the bottom of the page, email to or call on +44 (0) 1636 610062.
Additional materials and information can be found inside Loopworks.
To access Loopworks call, email or register online:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1636 610062
or register here
Equality of access to audio
Available as an in-person seminar or online interactive learning, this free 1 hour introductory seminar is for all those who work to provide access to audio
- find out more.
Legislation and Standards
To ensure hearing aid users have access to suitable assistive listening technologies, many countries have developed legislation and adopted standards specifying acceptable access levels for how well the chosen systems should perform
- find out more.
Please refer to the relevant product pages to find the correct datasheet for an individual product or select from the list below.
Specification text
To enable you to spend more time on design and less time on writing documents we have put together a collection of Specification texts for assistive listening and hearing loop systems - find out more.
Drawings and models
Use the available technical drawings and models to help place assistive listening solutions into context on plans and in specification documents - find out more.

We offer free advice and guidance to all of our customers on any subject related to induction loops and assistive listening systems.
Our information centre also contains a great deal of useful material. If the website does not answer your questions please contact us by phone, email or talk to us through Live Chat.
We will endeavour to respond to any enquiry within 1 working day.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1636 610062
or click here to chat live* with our support team
*during UK office hours: 08:30 - 17:30 (GMT/UTC), Monday - Friday