Visitors registered to attend integrated systems Europe (ISE) exhibition in February, are excited to hear that market leaders in listening equipment, Ampetronic, are hosting a seminar at the show. MD of Ampetronic, Julian Pieters, will be presenting a seminar at this forthcoming event, entitled ‘the future of assistive listening’. Leading related research and development, grounded with a wealth of sound engineers in the business, and celebrating over 30 years of unrivalled success, Ampetronic’s expertise is second to none. As owner and MD of a family business, founded by his father, Julian’s promising to present a lifetime of knowledge in the field of assistive listening technology. Excitement is growing regarding this seminar from Ampetronic’s key representative.
Commercial Solutions Theatre, 07 February 2018, 15:30 – 16:00.
What is the seminar about?
Painting a picture of where hearing loops are headed in the foreseeable future. We will talk about why loops remain relevant as assistive listening device, despite being such an old, analogue technology. What needs to happen to replace loops and telecoils, and over what time period? We will also talk briefly about other technology developments in hearing aids, and in assistive listening technologies. We will reference the ways that loop system technology continues to develop, as well as ways in which loops continue to evolve and be adopted into new applications.
Who is Julian Pieters?
Julian is an Engineering graduate from Cambridge University and has an MBA from ‘Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires’ or European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD). Working with his founding father, Julian joined Ampetronic as MD in 2004, to strengthen the management team, steering Ampetronic’s rapid expansion into new markets. Julian’s vision, drive and acumen are instrumental to the continuing success of Ampetronic, both as a company, and as developers of world leading assistive listening solutions. Julian, has been actively promoting equal access legislation, and induction loop technology, globally, for well over a decade.
Email quoting ‘ISE seminar’ to book.
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About Ampetronic™:
Founded in 1987, Ampetronic™ are innovators in the full range of induction loop and hearing loop systems and technologies. As passionate advocates for technology solutions which improve lives of those with hearing loss, Ampetronic™ design, manufacture, and promote loop systems, around the world. Key technologies include current drive and phase shift arrays. For more information, visit or follow us at:
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How hearing loops work:
Find out more about how hearing loops work. Hearing loops can be installed in a variety of environments. Larger venues such as theatres, conference facilities and houses of worship. Smaller, one-on-one communication settings can benefit too, such as at ticket counters and in meeting rooms. Hearing loops can also be installed in taxis, trains, buses, and trams.