iOS v13 supported in new Loopworks Measure app 2.4

Ampetronic development team on top of the latest iOS update with a new version of Loopworks Measure app A new version of the Loopworks Measure iOS app (2.4.0) is now available for download. To keep up with Apple’s latest iOS 13, Ampetronic development team has...

Why IEC 62489 compliance matters more than you think

Along with the IEC 60118 Standard, which sets out the minimum acceptable performance criteria for hearing loops, the IEC have also published the IEC 62489 Standard, which stipulates how the performance of a driver is measured. “IEC 62489… applies to...

Induction loops and telecoils: Could they be replaced soon?

What technologies could possibly replace them and when? In an attempt to answer these questions the International Hearing Access Committee*, representing a number of leading hearing organisations, stated in a recent article... "...that it is reasonable to believe that...

Hearing Loss Association of America Hearing Loop Toolkit

The Hearing Loss Association of America have made available their superb range of tools for advocating assistive listening and hearing loops in the community. Covering all aspects of hearing loops the toolkit contains information on how a loop works, posters and...

Commissioning a hearing loop system

View our step by step video tutorial on commissioning a hearing loop/induction loop system with Ampetronic Loopworks Measure and R1 receiver. Ampetronic takes pride in building systems that have a genuine benefit for people who experience hearing loss. To make those...