Chantier Eglise Induction Loop

To view the original French article, please click the link below. Téléchargez la fiche réalisation… The following article has been translated using Google Translate. Another induction loop system from AMPETRONIC, pioneer and global leader in magnetic induction...

Better Sound for the Hard of Hearing in France

To view the original French article, please click the link below. Il procure un meilloeur son aux malentendants The following has been translated using Google Translate. Better Sound for the Hearing Impaired An ear shown on a blue background with the letter...

Chantier Couvent SLM Induction Loop

To view the original French article, please click the link below. Chantier Couvent St Lazare Marseille synthèse The following article has been translated using Google Translate. AMPETRONIC, pioneer and global leader in magnetic induction loops for hearing impaired...

Ampetronic on the right wavelength in France

The following has been translated using Google Translate. BIM Concept helps the hearing impaired. The company distributes a system ensuring a superior listening. An white ear on a blue background abutting the letter T. Logos have appeared in towns for a few months...

New Luas System for the Hard of Hearing

The Irish Minister of State for Equality, Disability Issues and Mental Health, John Moloney T.D. officially launched a significant new ground-breaking change to the Luas, Dublin’s light rail tram fleet. People with hearing difficulties are the big winners in an...