ILR3+ Loop Receiver

The ILR3+ is the ideal tool to ensure that an induction loop system is regularly monitored. Far too many loop systems fail because the staff responsible for them do not know how to use it, and have no way to tell if it is working. Providing this simple receiver and...

New Dates for Training 2009

Ampetronic training programme covers a broad range of topics ranging from DDA legislation and standards, specifying loop systems for different situations both simple and complex, amplifier specification, input audio design, loop installation, survey and commissioning...

Ampetronic raising up the standards

As well as manufacturing the industry’s most advanced induction loop systems, Newark-based Ampetronic promotes a comprehensive programme of education and technical support, to ensure that companies contracted to provide induction loops install, test and maintain them...

University of Dundee installs 31 Ampetronic hearing loop systems

Completed in 2007, the New Teaching Block is part of a long-term regeneration and new building strategy, which has seen the university – whose courses range from accountancy to zoology, with a particular emphasis on medicine and life sciences – go from...

Ampetronic loops ensure clarity for urban centre

Focusing on the key themes of Arts, Social Enterprise, Community Support / Development and Pathways To Employment, the organisation has moved from being predominately a provider of hostels for homeless people to be at the cutting edge of tackling social disadvantage...