Following Ampetronic’s win of the prestigious Queens Award for Enterprise for International Trade, Managing Director Julian Pieters and Chief Engineer Russell Simpson were cordially invited to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace followed by a celebratory reception earlier this month.
To complete the official award celebrations a presentation event was held on Monday the 21st of July at Ampetronic Headquarters in Newark where the Queens representatives in the form of such dignitaries as Sir John Peace the Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, Councillors Pauline and Roy Allan, Graham Cartledge The High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, councillor Rita Crowe and councillor and Deputy Major of Newark Rob Crowe attended.
Upon arrival all dignitaries took a tour of the Ampetronic head office and onsite facilities including the Research and Development department. Graham Cartledge was thoroughly interested in the work Ampetronic has performed within Airports and transport infrastructure. He was particularly interested in our recent work at Heathrow airport’s terminal 2 and 5 land and airside lounges, where our systems bringing Assistive Listening to travellers with hearing loss.
During the tour Councillor Pauline Allan also expressed why she was so interested in the work completed by Ampetronic. Pauline is working very closely with the charity The Ear Foundation, this charity helps to provide hearing technology and advice to those with hearing loss. She spoke about how she has seen first-hand that tackling hearing loss with technology vastly improves the quality of people lives.
The speeches started with a great sentiment from Julian Pieters (Ampetronic Managing Director) addressing the great work that his farther began and how it has developed through technological innovation to improve all aspects of the Assistive Listening Market including standards and legislation. Discussing Ampetronic’s work overseas Julian stated that “We are seen as a market leader wherever we trade” and continued with “The recognition that we get is really invaluable as we trade around the world”. Acknowledging the hard work staff have undertaken to improve the quality of Assistive Listening Devices and legislation was at the heart of the talk “We work in all manner of environments where people would struggle to hear” and he concluded by acknowledging and congratulating the staff for the hard work and commitment inspiring them to continue this valiant effort by saying “I hope that we can continue to be successful both as a business and also improving hearing access all around the world”.
Next up came the High Sheriff of Nottingham Graham Cartledge dressed in official attire. After a friendly joke about how his company won the award twice in a row he congratulated Ampetronic on their innovative work and said “Congratulations to this fantastic company for carrying on the good work of Newark”. He then read the presentation Grant of Appointment “Elizabeth the Second by grace of God and kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and other realms and territories of the queen and the defender of the faith, do award this great award to Ampetronic LTD. Greetings, we recognise the outstanding achievements of the said award winner as a demonstrator of the furtherance and increase of international trade of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island, our channel islands and our island of man and wishing to show our loyal favour to herby confer upon it the Queens Award for enterprise for international trade.”
The Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire Sir John Peace then presented the Cut Glass award to Julian where he continued with a speech detailing the outstanding work that is undertaken at Ampetronic and how it is impressive as “less than one in six medium sized business actually trade outside of the UK” detailing that “This award really truly is the highest accolade a business can receive here in the UK”.
Further in the talk Sir Peace spoke about his interaction with the chairman of the county council Pauline Allan and how he attended a church service with her and the charity The Ear Foundation, speaking about what he learnt at that service he said “we were all told about the importance of dealing with hearing difficulties and how much that can make a difference in people lives. So Julian, I am particularly delighted and proud today to be here to present this award to you. And I suspect your father Leon would be proud on what your company has gone on to achieve, congratulations to every single one of you.”
After a few more short speeches and pictures a demonstration of the technology was given. This was so that the prestigious guests could be given a first-hand experience of the passive and invisible nature of hearing loop technology, all agreeing that it was a remarkable way of providing Assistive Listening to those with hearing loss.