Loopworks Measure App v. 2.1 

1st May 2018

Ampetronic are delighted to announce the release of Loopworks Measure App version 2.1

At the very heart of Loopworks™ functionality is a ground-breaking hearing loop test and measurement system, Loopworks™ Measure.

Consisting of the Loopworks Measure R1 Receiver, an iOS App and the Loopworks™ online productivity suite, Loopworks™ Measure enables you to test the functionality of a hearing loop and performance against standards in the field, store and share the results online and issue reports and system certificates.

Included in Version 2.1:

  • Loopworks Verdicts

    • Choose the standards applicable to your region
    • Support for IEC 60118-4 2017 – includes ‘clipping’ criteria
    • For more information on Verdicts please download the verdicts booklet from the Learn menu in Loopworks.
      Sign in here: https://loopworks.ampetronic.com
  • User interface improvements

    • Find and select active and recent projects, easily, with the new user interface
  • Additional device support

    • Loopworks Measure app is supported on iOS 9 onwards and available on the following devices (please note iOS 8 is no longer supported)
      • iPhone 8
      • iPhone 7
  •  Calibration procedures
    • Calibration procedures are consistent across all compatible devices

Important Installation instructions:

Some of the changes in Loopworks Measure V2.1 required various modifications to the data structure. In order to fully enable all the new features, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Complete any testing
  2. End the session and synchronise in existing app V2.0.2
  3. Sign out from the Loopworks App
  4. Install / Upgrade the new version of Loopworks  V2.1.3 from the App store
  5. Sign in to the Loopworks App

If you have any questions about this or any other aspect of Loopworks or Loopworks Measure please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team on +44 (0)1636 610062 or email support@ampetronic.com

“Simple, powerful functionality at your fingertips“