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Il procure un meilloeur son aux malentendants

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Better Sound for the Hearing Impaired
An ear shown on a blue background with the letter “T”. Internationally, this logo indicates to the hearing impaired that the room is equipped with a magnetic induction loop. Is provides assurance of a clear and intelligible communication system, even if the environment is noisy, as in many public places, reverberant, in the case of churches, or subject to distortion because of the strong dynamics of a soundtrack like the movies.

“The magnetic induction loop (BIM) is manufactured in England since 1987 by the pioneer and world leader, Ampetronic. Scandinavian countries, Australia, the United States are well equipped but the distribution is still very limited in France. This has now arrived in force, boosted by the new legislation. “Exclusive distributor in France, Hubert Beaufils is installed in the Nantes vineyards in Mouzillon.

He founded his company, Concept BIM France last November, after almost ten years as a computer. “I have several deaf people in my family. I realized that the what was on offer was very limited help.”

Legal requirement before 2015 
An order of May 17, 2006 requires public buildings to be accessible to all persons, including handicapped, in terms of access as communication by 2015.  “For higher education and the prefecture, the same adjustment must be made before January 2011.”

New constructions must take account of this (complex Cinéville in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, near Nantes, well equipped rooms). Other buildings (concert halls, conferences, theaters, churches, town halls …) benefit from redevelopment to do so. The equipment costs a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the installation.

“The principle is quite simple. A specialsed amplifier connects to the source and the audio induction loops, a cable that will surround the area where the hearing will be. The current generates a magnetic field. Then just for people to switch their hearing aid to position ‘T’, a setting already used by them for the phone. The magnetic field is transcribed into audio field, “says Hubert Beaufils.

The system can also be declined among individuals. No need to edit sound from the TV. “For about €200  a permanent system can be installed in the living room, a small amp and 30m² of cable. Or, for a more mobile, use a pad where the loop, which can take everywhere (about €50  more). ”

Telephone, an alarm device or a central security can also be connected. More in terms of comfort as security.