Ampetronic are, once again, proud to be a leading sponsor of the International Hearing Loops Conference – “Hearing Loops for All”, this year to be held for this first time in Eastbourne in the UK and organised by the charity Hearing Link.

We’ve been heavily involved since the inaugural event in 2009, and will be there to help explain the technical aspects of ‘induction loop’ technology and standards,  to promote the diverse range of applications it has, and yes, naturally our World renowned products and services.

But what’s in it for you, why attend?

People with hearing loss and technology advocates:

  • Learn about the benefits of hearing loops
  • Experience ‘live’ how they work in conjunction  with hearing aids
  • Learn about the common problems connecting hearing aids to hearing loops and how they can be easily solved by your audiologist
  • Learn why hearing loops are often installed that don‘t work properly and what YOU can do about it
  • Find out how to form your own advocacy group and get access to the informational tools you need to empower you to change things in your community – either by getting loops installed, or by getting malfunction loops fixed
  • Hear from heard of hearing American advocates and audiologists about how they have already made a difference and how it has been achieved
  • Enjoy an audience with inspirational U.S. composer Richard Einhorne at the Birley Centre who himself has a hearing loss
  • Take a look at hearing loop products fist hand and chat to experts
  • Meet with likeminded individuals, make friends and strengthen your network

Architects, facility owners, system specifiers and designers:

  • Learn about the country specific Law’s that mandate the use of ‘Assistive Listening’ solutions as part of anti-discrimination regulation – and how to comply
  • Learn about the benefits of hearing loops and chat to users of the systems in operation at the event
  • Learn how they work, where they should be used, and where they shouldn’t
  • Find out about the commercial benefits of installing an induction loop
  • Learn about the pitfalls of incorrectly specifying hearing loops
  • Find out where to get suitable training and Continued Professional Development options.
  • Enjoy an audience with inspirational U.S. composer Richard Einhorne at the Birley Centre who himself has a hearing loss
  • Meet the experts and manufacturers first hand and get answers to your questions.


Hearing Loop installers, AV & electrical engineers:

  • Learn about the need for hearing loops and the issues they solve
  • Find out where loops should and shouldn’t be used
  • Learn about the common mistakes and pitfalls that result in a loop that is of no genuine benefit to the users of the system and practical solutions
  • Learn about the International Performance Standards and how your installation should (and in some countries must) meet with its guidelines
  • Find out where to get suitable training to install working systems and avoid the bad publicity, hassle and return site visits associated with bad ones
  • Enjoy an audience with inspirational U.S. composer Richard Einhorne at the Birley Centre who himself has a hearing loss
  • Get your hands on the latest induction loop products and chat to the manufacturers
  • Strengthen your network of contacts and secure future projects

Whatever your interest in hearing loops, be it personal or commercial, the International conference has been hugely successful in it remit of promoting hearing loop technology for the benefit of hard of hearing people, and this year is lining up to be no exception.

We hope to see you there, but don’t leave it too late, it’s a large and lively conference, but spaces are limited!