Ampetronic will be expanding its range of Loopworks™ products over the coming months. Designed to enhance our existing support services, soon-to-be-launched Loopworks Measure combines an iOS App with a self-calibrating Receiver; together they become the most accurate, dedicated field strength meter (FSM) available. Loopworks Measure is supported by a suite of online tools for learning about Hearing Loops, connecting with Ampetronic, your local distributor and your colleagues, designing loops and analysing measurement data captured by the App and Receiver.

Ampetronic’s Marketing and Communications Manager Alistair Knight added: “Loopworks will really enhance the way our customers specify and measure the performance of their loop systems against the International Standard. It will also make it much easier for us, and our distributors, to support customers directly.”

 The Largest Free Advice, Design & Technical Support Network in Australia

Tool-based resources are of course helpful. Convenient and easy to use, there’s a place in any support mix for tools and resources that make the loop processes that bit simpler. However, there’s really no replacement for the reassurance and ease that comes with 1:1 advice from a qualified engineer and, by contacting Jands, prospective Hearing Loop system installers will be dealing with the largest Hearing Loop design and installation support network in Australia – offering the training, product range and availability to get the job done when you need it.

Find out more about Loopworks Measure